Discover Natural Elegance in Every Space

Step into a world where the beauty of nature meets the artistry of design. At Gable Oaks Home, we draw inspiration from the outdoors to transform your space into a warm and inviting haven. From Full-Service Interior Design for homeowners and renters to Remodeling + Renovations to E-Design, our services are crafted to bring the serenity of what makes you harmonious inside your home.

Immerse yourself in the essence of tranquility with our range of interior design services. Whether it’s a complete remodel or a refreshing touch for renters, our expert team weaves the warmth of nature into every design, creating spaces that seamlessly blend style and the outdoors.

Harmony in
Every Space



Full-Service Interior Design

Experience a seamless interior design journey from vision board selections to project completion, including project management for a stress-free process.


Remodeling & Renovations

Elevate your living spaces with our specialized remodeling and renovation services, covering kitchens, baths, basements, and more, seamlessly connecting you with trusted contractors and project management services to complete your home improvement projects.


Renter's Refresh

Exclusive to renters, our Renter’s Refresh service adds a natural touch with surface interior design, making your rental feel like home instead of a temporary space.



Explore the beauty of what your home can aspire to through our online E-Design service, allowing you to create a haven in your own home from anywhere in the world.


Á La Carte

Choose from our tailored selection of one-off services, including flooring selection + installation, painting refresh, lighting enhancements, tile selection + installation, plumbing, countertops, general handyman services, and more, to elevate your space with ease.

Serving Central Ohio & Beyond

Gable Oaks Home is your partner in creating top-tier interiors and remodels across Central Ohio. From the vibrant energy of Columbus to the picturesque landscapes of Granville, our team is committed to infusing the beauty that surrounds us into your home.

Embark On Your Design Journey Today

Transforming your space is just a conversation away. Simply fill out the form below then confirm your details and select a date + time to book your free 15-minute phone consultation.